Always wonderful to have a collection of short stories up your sleeve coming into the busiest time of year, because they’re jammed packed with everything a good story needs and you have the time to put it down and pick it right back up again!
Category Archives: Book Review
This is definitely on the re-read pile – because one pass will not do it justice!
A quick and easy read that will have you guessing. Small towns never give up their secrets easily!
Book hangover material. Hard questions asked and depicted so beautifully; poetically capturing all aspects of the good and ugly in people and their perceptions.
Digging through boxes in the garage, I chanced upon this treasure. What a magnificent book. I’d bought it ten years ago when it first came out and hadn’t the chance to read it before I moved again, and so it got packed, forgotten. What a joy to rediscover and what a joy to read!
Wow! A series of events, with such incredibly different perspectives and memories. This is bang on brilliant and amazing writing!
Beautiful photography, lovely quotes (and reference to their source!) and some great info on the little guy, you can’t help but smile along with them as you flick the pages!
From the word mix-ups of the most unfairy-like fairies to sledding with with a half troll Cora’s adventures as she tries to discover where she’s from and who her family is, before the magic turns her into a Havoc, makes for a bumpy and entertaining ride!
What another brilliant story, and seriously one of the best locked room mysteries I’ve had the pleasure to read. While I would have loved to see more of Sergeant Bannerjee, it’s wonderful to see him really come into his own by the end!
Fascinating and beautifully told, I have to admit to wanting to put on my gumboots and join in the search for treasure!