A corker of a series with enough to intrigued both the young and the old. Incredibly enjoyable in both language and adventure!
Category Archives: Book Review
Another great murderous mystery to solve, while engaging with such an important part of history. Thoroughly enjoy it!
A cosy crime that is very Sydney!
Read in a single sitting – was instantly in amongst the characters and the small town – loved the fact that Lottie owned her mistakes and didn’t wallow in extreme self pity just for drama’s sake. A realistic depiction of returning home with your tail between your legs, so enjoyable – laughed and cried!
I started to read the second book first, then realised I would really be doing myself and the story a disservice. Getting hold of both was sheer luck, but what a find! Can’t wait for a third!
Oh my goodness it’s just gorgeous! From the beautiful hardcover dust jacket to the characters and concepts. Such a delightful read and the Grott Monsters simply adored it!
Just love Mother Paul as a character and will be getting my hands on the other two, as soon as I can!
Intriguing, written in the era for the era … Did people really act like that? Fall in love immediately and so dramatically? Were so horrid and obtuse? Were treated with such contempt…? Probably. Not necessarily a comfortable read, but it makes for a fascinating study!
Great fun and a brilliant story as Ember makes friends and embarks of a truly wonderful adventure!
Short stories filled with the usual sass that is Phryne Fisher – wonderful to pick up and indulge in, between chores!